Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The First Session of 2013

The first session of 2013 took place on a beautiful but chilly evening. Teenage boys usually aren't huge fans of having their pictures taken and the boy's mother had warned me that  it was NOT their favorite pastime. I admit that I was a wee bit nervous having this be my season opener but I didn't need to be. They did great! This was Dylan's senior session but we threw in some pics of him with his brother Evan. One day they will treasure these pictures they have together...I know their mom will!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Leap Of Faith


  Confessions of a Transparent Photographer

I was walking on the beach with my twin daughters the other day. I was talking to one of them when I turned around to see her sister doing this. Taking a seemingly dangerous leap. It was too late to yell and I didn't want startle her and cause her to get hurt. I instinctively raised the camera up and took this shot. It turns out that she had jumped from the lower rocks but had just jumped super high. On the surface it looked scarier than it really was. 

I thought about this picture today as I thought about opening for the season this weekend. It reminded me about the changes I decided to make in my business this year. Changes that were brought about after ending last season with a dampened passion. I went from having an all consuming passion to not wanting to take look at a camera. It was affecting my family and it was affecting my work. 

I had not laid out rules for my clients. I'd seen other photographers do this and thought they were "Photog Nazi's." I underestimated their experience and I was undervaluing my time and talent. The hours spent from my 1st contact with a client to the delivery of the product I was not making enough to make it worth the time I was missing from my family. I was missing out on moments like the one below. 

                           It was time to set limits, fan my passion, reset priorities and focus on my strengths.

Do you remember how I described feeling when I saw my daughter jumping from the rocks onto the beach? That is how I felt when I made changes to my business this year. Fearful thoughts like:" Did people choose me because they could not afford anyone else?, What if no one will like my style of wedding photography?, What if people are turned off by the changes I have made in pricing, packages,image delivery and service additions?" began to attack my mind. 

I suddenly reminded myself that there will be people who will fit that description and will most certainly feel that way. They won't be back. They will find the cheapest photographer they can find and not respect his/her time and talent. They will try to get something for nothing and haggle with that photographer's price.....something they would never do to their hair dresser, accountant, or other service provider.

I also know that my work will resonate with other clients. Clients who want a portrait that captures their family members personalities and one that tells their story. They value portraits that show more than a forced smile and a stiff pose. Brides will want wedding albums that tell the story of their special day in such a way that future generations will know what it was like to be there that day. These are the clients who want the magic I find in the moments I capture. I might not get ALL the clients but I will get the RIGHT clients. 

 You see, I realized that I can't lose. I'll get just the right clients and if I'm not booked up that weekend..well.... I get to spend that weekend cuddling with one of my kiddos. I just need to remember that just like that picture...sometimes taking that leap might look scary but it's safer than it appears. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

And The Winners Are.....

  I had so many great entries in the Valentines Couple Session giveaway that I decided to double up the prizes!
                                  We have TWO grand prize winners: Marcia Turner & Diana Starzec

                                              The 1st runner ups are:  Courtney Ellis & Nichole Byrd
                      The 1st runners up receive  20% off of the Sweet As Honey or The Bee's Knees session.

                                          The 2nd runner ups are: Bridgette Self & Ronald and Linda Crayton
          The 2nd runners up receive 10% off of the Sweet As Honey Session or The Bee's Knee's Session

 A big THANK YOU to everyone who liked my page and shared this giveaway! I should have at least one more giveaway this year so keep an eye out. Congrats to all of the winners! I will be sending an email to all the winners to talk details..I can't wait for your sessions!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentines Giveaway

This giveaway has been expanded to include ALL couples..not just engaged couples!

In celebration of love and the recent addition of weddings to the Honey Cooler offerings I am hosting an engagement or bridal session giveaway. In order to enter this giveaway you must be a fan of Honey Cooler Photography on Facebook. www.facebook.com/honeycoolerphotography
Here’s how it works:
There are 2 ways to enter:
1. Comment on this post.
Please include your full name and email address.
2. Share this contest on Facebook.
You must link to my Facebook page and come back and leave a separate comment.
P.S. You can nominate yourself or someone else. I’ll need email and name for the nominee and yourself.
Remember to leave a comment for each thing you do. Each separate comment counts as an entry.
The winner will be announced on Valentines Day....Good Luck!
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